INNOVATOR unveils a new era in tax consultations: – the first artificial intelligence chatbot in Latvia for tax consultations.

The advent of the digital era has propelled artificial intelligence (AI) technology to the forefront of development, rapidly transforming our daily habits, knowledge acquisition, and approach to problem-solving. In this context, we are delighted to present an innovation in the field of taxation – It is the first artificial intelligence chatbot in Latvia, backed by the creativity and innovative approach of the INNOVATOR team. is intended to become your trusted assistant in understanding tax matters, offering a quick, efficient, and accessible way to handle various fiscal situations.

What does this mean? goes beyond the boundaries of a typical chatbot, becoming a digital tax consultant in Latvia. The tool is designed as a specialized digital assistant in the tax sphere, capable of providing quick and precise support. It is equipped with the ability to integrate and analyze information from extensive databases, online resources, and the latest legislative guidelines, providing its users with comprehensive support in resolving tax issues.

Multilingual support stands out with its ability to provide answers and consultations in various languages, thanks to its integrated databases and adaptive AI technologies. Thus, this innovative chatbot can serve users not only in Latvian but also in English, German, Spanish, and other languages, making it a universal tool for initial consultations or insights into tax issues in any native language. This ensures unprecedented accessibility and convenience, opening doors to a wider user audience worldwide.

How to get started?

Getting started with is quick and easy – simply visit our website, accessible on both computers and mobile devices, where the chatbot will be ready to assist you with tax queries at any time! If you have additional questions or interest in our range of services, feel free to contact us now. We are here to support and provide the necessary information.

Read about us here as well.

©INNOVATOR 20.03.2024.

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